Anchored Mentoring Program

SCARF Organization is embarking on a unique mentoring program tailored for At-Risk Male Students (ARMS), named the Anchored Mentoring Program. This mentoring program is made possible through the sponsorship of The Department of Children and Families, in partnership with Serving Children and Reaching Families, LLC.  SCARF Organization is proud to introduce this program, which has been meticulously developed to meet the unique needs of the participants.

Our Goal

The goal of our Anchored Mentoring Program is to assist At-Risk Male Students  (ARMS) in developing economic, social, emotional, and cognitive skills to prepare them for future success by improving academic success, decreasing involvement in the juvenile justice system, and enhancing readiness for the involvement in post-secondary education in Polk, Osceola, and Orange counties.

Eligible Mentee Population

The Anchored Mentoring program will serve eligible population, which are males ages 11 through 19, teen fathers; a child of an incarcerated parent(s); male students currently or previously been incarcerated or involved with the Department of Juvenile Justice; in need of academic intervention or experiencing academic hardship; in need of behavioral intervention or in danger of school expulsion; disconnected male youth (Middle and High school aged males (11-19 years old) that have dropped out of school); or male students residing in Polk, Osceola, or Orange counties.


College students and college graduates who are particularly appealing for helping young people to improve their reading or academic skills and to explain firsthand postsecondary education, the skills needed to get there, the applications process, and how to form and sustain healthy friendships.

"Children need role models rather than critics.”